Delivering Light to Those in Need

Clear Light Project

A project to provide solar-charged lighting for homes in rural areas of Guatemala that do not presently have municipal power infrastructure.

Those in need

- Guatemala is an modern country with tremendous resources.

- However, delivering power to some rural communities remains a challenge.

- Nearly 10% of the population does not have power in their homes.

- Many of these homes are in indiginous communities.

-Without power the even the most basis of needs cannot be met.

- These families do not even have electricity to provide lights at night.

Our Solution 

Through a network of volunteers and with the assistance of the Guatemalan goverment helping identify communities in need, we can provide a single technology package that includes solar panels, lights, a charging station and radio to families in need.  

Each kit includes:

- 2 switch room lights

- 1 motion detecting room light

- 1 wall light

- AM/FM Radio 

- USB chargin port

- Roof solar panel 

All services provided are FREE of cost to the recipient and is installed with help of volunteers

Why solar?

 Solar energy is a the best choice for the envoirment


-No greenhouse gas emissions

-No air polution

-Non fosil fuel dependant

-Preserves local habitat

-Land use efficancy: no energy farms taking up land since the panel simply goes on the roof of the home

Solar is a more practical choice for the rural community


-Renewable & Sustainable: provides infinate power as long as there is sun

-No electric bill

-Low mataince

- No electrical wiring

-Energy storge : when pairing solar with a battery it can continue to provide power without the sun